Tammy H., Accounting & Office Administration Diploma Program Student

“I have bipolar disorder, & I have spent 13 years trying to manage it. Meds are not for everyone, but they are my saving grace, & I am proud to say I have never gone off my medication. I dropped out of college twice since 2008, I cracked under the pressure & drowned in my own anxiety.

About a year ago, after becoming accomplished at running a small business I had a revelation

“Try Again Tammy”

It took months to work up the courage to tell my loved ones, all of them knowing my failures at school. “This time is different Tammy’ echoed in my internal dialogue constantly, but I was afraid to trust my own voice.

The Director of Progressive Training College SSM, has been an asset from day 1!

Marci Chindamo changed my life. She straight-up said “Tammy you can do this, you are one of the most determined people I have ever met” She made sure I knew she was in my corner & has never let me quit. Her diligence and belief in me is priceless!

Jeff Holmes is a unique & talented teacher.

I tend to ask him to do more work than he is required, however, he teaches me wholeheartedly no matter what. I have called him on long weekends or emailed in off-hours when I am stuck, he has always been there. His patience is astounding. He is aware that his students need to mentally understand the context of the material, with a deep understanding that everybody learns differently. He has a willingness to teach outside the box! Let’s face it, I don’t fit in any box.

Progressive Training College! I must make mention of my letter of disclosure concerning bipolar disorder & the limitations I struggle with. Marci & Jeff never batted an eye when they took me on.

When I failed to believe in myself, they believed for me, Like footprints in the sand .

This school has paved the way for people like me, who suffer from mental illness to dream again. Realizing there is a possibility of a future unfathomable. The understanding is that We all need to learn at a comfortable pace. A True 5 Star College

So… here I sit 10 weeks away from crossing college off the bucket list. “One more BIG push Tammy”

I didn’t want to wait until the end to tell everyone Thank you

The decision to go back to school was one of the hardest I’ve ever made.

No Turning back now.”

Stephanie Kim