YES! You can Afford Your Education
Whether you are new to Canada, returning to school after being in the workforce, or have attended high school and received your diploma, we have options to meet your needs.
A monthly payment plan can be arranged to suit your needs. Tuition costs are divided into monthly payments throughout your program. The first payment is due on the first day of classes, and the final payment is due approximately one month prior to completion of your studies. Payments are interest free while you are an active student. All students are automatically eligible for monthly payment plans with no credit check or co-signer required.
For students who qualify, monthly payment plans may be extended beyond the end of your student period. Newcomers to Canada can be approved with no Canadian credit history. A credit check is required and some conditions apply.
The Canada Revenue Agency Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw amounts from your RRSP’s to finance your education for you or your spouse (or common law partner). You may withdraw up to $10,000 per year, and up to a total maximum of $20,000. For more information visit the Canada Revenue Agency website.
Financial assistance may be available for out of province students who qualify. For a list of provincial offices, please visit the Government of Canada CanLearn website.
Most major banks and credit unions offer student lines of credit to finance post-secondary education. We can provide you contacts at financial institutions to find out more information.
Students who have been named a beneficiary under a family member’s Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), may use funds from the RESP to finance their education at PTC. For more information, please contact the financial institution holding the RESP and visit the Government of Canada CanLearn website.
The Ministry of Colleges & Universities administers programs, such as Better Jobs Ontario, to assist individuals who are unemployed or who have qualified for Employment Insurance. Students may qualify for post-secondary education financing through Better Jobs or other programs managed by MCU.
We Accept All the Following Payment Methods
- Pre-authorized bank withdraws (for monthly payment plans)
- Pre-authorized credit card payments (for monthly payment plans)
- Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard and American Express
- PayPal
- Cheques, money orders and cash