Let's Get Started
Start Your Career Today!
For over 20 years, Progressive Training College of Business & Health has been committed to helping all of our students and alumni secure meaningful employment. PTC isn’t like other colleges. We are proud to offer diploma and certificate programs that are designed specifically to train you for the job you want (no elective courses!).
Why Choose PTC
Every Program is
Job Focused
Every program at PTC is focused on finding you work.
Small Classes &
Individual Attention
Small classes (10 students to 1 instructor) are maintained to guarantee each student gets individualized attention.
Affordable Education
with Payment Plans
A variety of financing and payment plans are available to make your tuition affordable.
Diploma & Certificate Programs
PTC offers a range of diploma and certificate programs
Personal Support Worker
Accounting & Office Admin
Business Administration
Academic Upgrading
Computer training
and more…
Discover the right program for you.